Lucas Arts Adventures - Mega Pack
English | Platform: PC | Mega Pack Games | All In One | 6.5 GB
Lucas Arts Adventures - Mega Pack! 1.0
A) How to play the different games
B) What this package includes
*** Day of the Tentacle (with and without speech):
1) Unzip
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
4) You will find two games, chose the "Day of the Tentacle" one. The other one is Maniac Mansion, the prequel.
*** Full Throttle
1) Use a CD emulating program (like Daemon tools, included in the "tools" folder)
(You can also use a CD burning program like Nero)
2) Install game from disc.
3) I don't think you need ScummVM for this, allthough you might. (I've heard both)
Note: If the sound won't work, try moving all the files from the CD into the folder where
you installed the game.
*** Grim Fandango
1) Use a CD emulating program (like Daemon tools, included in the "tools" folder)
(You can also use a CD burning program like Nero)
2) Install game from disc.
3) I recomend that you install the patch that's included. This fixes some bugs.
*** The Indiana Jones Games
1) Unzip
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
*** Labyrinth
1) Unzip
2) This game was never released for the PC, so I downloaded the C64 version. To run it you
need an C64 emulator, this you can find in the tools folder.
3) Look up in the emulator tutorial on how to run the game from there.
*** The Loom games
1) Unzip
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
*** The Maniac Mansion games
1) Unzip
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
(Note: For the NES version of Maniac Mansion that I included, you need a NES emulator.
The emulator can be found in the "Game" folder in the "NES version" folder.
*** Monkey Island 1 and 2
1) Unzip
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
*** Monkey Island 3 and 4
1) Use a CD emulating program (like Daemon tools, included in the "tools" folder)
(You can also use a CD burning program like Nero)
2) Install game from disc.
*** Sam and Max (both versions)
1) Unzip
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
*** The Dig
1) Use a CD emulating program (like Daemon tools, included in the "tools" folder)
(You can also use a CD burning program like Nero)
2) Install game from disc.
3) I don't think you need ScummVM for this, allthough you might. (I've heard both)
Note: If the sound won't work, try moving all the files from the CD into the folder where
you installed the game.
*** Zak McKracken (both versions)
1) Unzip
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
*** Day of the Tentacle (with speech)
- Covers
- The Game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Game Soundtrack
*** Day of the Tentacle (without speech)
- Covers
- The Game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Game Soundtrack
*** Full Throttle
- Covers
- CD-image of game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Original Mini Soundtrack
*** Grim Fandango
- Covers
- CD-image of game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Original Soundtrack
- Additional Soundtrack
*** Indiana Jones and the last Crusade
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Cheats
- Walkthrough
- Grail Diary
- The FMTowns soundtrack
*** Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (with speech)
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Cheats
- Walkthrough
- Stone alignment guide
- Fate of Atlantis OST (2CD)
*** Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Cheats
- Walkthrough
- Stone alignment guide
- Fate of Atlantis OST (2CD)
*** Labyrinth
- Walkthrough
- Covers
- Commodore 64 rom of the game
- Strange music file from the game
*** Loom
- Covers
- Game
- Manual
- Book of patterns
- Quick Reference Card
- Walkthrough
- FM Towns soundtrack (v.1 and 2)
- Game Soundtrack
*** Loom Enchanced
- Covers
- CD image of the game
- Manual
- Book of patterns
- Quick Reference Card
- Walkthrough
- Loom - The audio drama
*** Maniac Mansion
- Covers
- The game
- The Maniac Mansion version
* covers
* midi music from the game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Midis from the game
*** Maniac Mansion Enchanced
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Midis from the game
*** Monkey Island - Secret of Monkey Island (CD Version)
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Cheats
- The Soundtrack
*** Monkey Island - Secret of Monkey Island
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Cheats
- Original Soundtrack
- The Amiga Soundtrack
*** Monkey Island - LeChuck's Revenge
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Cheats
- The soundtrack
- The soundtrack Amiga
- The soundtrack Mac
*** Monkey Island - The Curse of Monkey Island
- Covers
- CD image of the game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Walkthrough MegaMonkey
- Cheats
- The Soundtrack
*** Monkey Island - Escape from Monkey Island
- Covers
- CD images of the game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Official hintbook
- Cheats
- Original Soundtrack
*** Sam and Max Hit the Road (with speech)
- Covers
- The Game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Game Soundtrack
- Bonus soundtrack
*** Sam and Max Hit the Road (without speech)
- Covers
- The Game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Game Soundtrack
*** The Dig
- Covers
- CD image of the game
- Manual
- Walkthrough
- Secrets
- The seceleton (picture)
- The Original Game Soundtrack
- The additional Soundtrack
*** Zak McKracken - and the Alien Mindbenders
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Visa codes
- Walkthrough
- Soundtrack
*** Zak McKracken - and the Alien Mindbenders Enchanced
- Covers
- The game
- Manual
- Visa codes
- Walkthrough
- Soundtrack
- Mp3 of original theme song
*** Tools
- ScummVM
- Commodore64 emulator
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